Slate’s Culture Gabfest, raw, unfiltered, and unedited.

This Is What the Culture Gabfest Sounds Like Without Any Editing

This Is What the Culture Gabfest Sounds Like Without Any Editing

Slate Plus
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May 8 2015 10:12 AM

The Culture Gabfest Like You’ve Never Heard It Before

Listen to this week's Culture Gabfest "Behold! Ignorance and Want” Edition—complete, unfiltered, and uncut.

Julia Turner, Dana Stevens, and Stephen Metcalf
Culture Gabfesters Julia Turner, Dana Stevens, and Stephen Metcalf.

Photo illustration by Slate

In celebration of Slate Plus’ first anniversary, we’re republishing a selection of pieces from the past year, including this article, which was originally published December 23, 2014.

What kind of magic goes into producing a podcast? Here’s your chance to hear the complete, uncut, and unfiltered version of Slate’s Culture Gabfest—before some of it ends up on the podcast cutting room floor.