Delonte West: David Haglund and Josh Levin talk about reporting Delonte West’s profile.

David Haglund Goes Behind the Scenes With His Editor Josh Levin on His Delonte West Story (AUDIO)

David Haglund Goes Behind the Scenes With His Editor Josh Levin on His Delonte West Story (AUDIO)

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June 4 2014 1:19 PM

“I Didn’t Really Know What the Story Would Be Until I Did”

David Haglund and his editor Josh Levin talk about reporting his longform story on Delonte West.

Illustration by Charlie Powell. Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images

Illustration by Charlie Powell. Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images

This story is part of a special Slate Plus feature package on Why Isn’t Delonte West in the NBA? Be sure to check out the other Slate Plus exclusives related to this story, including a full audio version of the piece and an inside look at David Haglund’s relationship with Delonte West.

As a member of Slate Plus, you’ll get access to exclusive podcasts—including this conversation between David Haglund, Slate senior editor and the author of “Why Isn’t Delonte West in the NBA?” and Hang Up and Listen host and Slate Executive Editor Josh Levin, who edited Haglund’s longform piece about mental illness and the NBA.

In this behind-the-scenes podcast, Haglund chats about the origin of the piece, the long process of research and reporting, and how Delonte West’s story unfolded over time.

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