Thandie Newton performs Jane Eyre, for Slate Plus members, from Audible.

A Special Gift From Audible: Hear Thandie Newton Perform Jane Eyre

A Special Gift From Audible: Hear Thandie Newton Perform Jane Eyre

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Slate Plus
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May 4 2016 10:24 AM

Experience Jane Eyre in a New Way

A new audio performance by Thandie Newton.

jane eyre plus.


Update, May 18, 2016: Apologies! All copies have been claimed. Watch for news about future promotions.

To celebrate the Slate Academy series A Year of Great Books, Audible is giving Slate Plus members a special gift: a complimentary audiobook of Jane Eyre, brilliantly performed by Thandie Newton. Click here to claim your audiobook.

And don’t miss Laura Miller and Jacob Weisberg’s discussion of Jane Eyre.

Supplies are limited. Terms and conditions apply. Void where prohibited.