Office of Mission Statements

Although frequently the work of outside agitators consultants in the past, the crafting of mission statements for federal agencies is now the responsibility of the Extraneous Services Administration’s Office of Mission Statements, or ESA/OMS. To quote from ESA/OMS’ own mission statement, which was delivered virtually on time and nearly on budget to the Oversight and Review Desk (ESA/OMS-OaRD) in July 1998:

... the mission of the Office of Mission Statements is to draft mission statements for any federal agencies whose missions are not stated in existing mission statements ...

Once cleared by the Officer in Charge (OIC:ESA/OMS-OaRD), draft statements are submitted to the Polish Team (PT,OIC:ESA/OMS-OaRD) for final adjustments and last-minute fixes (FA&LM-F,PT,OIC:ESA/OMS-OaRD) before being whisked on their way to the Office of Dissemination and Promulgation (ODP:FA&LM-F,PT,OIC:ESA/OMS-OaRD) for distribution to the relevant agencies.  It’s as simple as that!

We’re proud of the work ESA/OMS does in helping to clarify the sometimes-confusing world of our federal bureaucracy. Here are a few excerpts:

The Commerce Department
... The Department of Commerce seeks to promote job creation and foster sustainable growth by working with the private sector to meaningfully manage the nation’s economic infrastructure ...

The Interior Department
... The Department of the Interior, the nation’s principal conservation agency, undertakes to manage meaningfully all federal lands, preserves, and activities relating to the maintenance and preservation of same ...

The Education Department
... The Department of Education continues today to preserve and protect the educational rights of all Americans by manangfully meanaging federal coordination and oversight of education-related programs and activities ...