About Working: What work satisfaction looks like.

What David Plotz Learned From His Podcast Series on Working

What David Plotz Learned From His Podcast Series on Working

Slate Plus
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Oct. 22 2014 6:00 AM

Why It’s OK to Ask People What They Do

David Plotz talks to two junior staffers about the lessons of Working.

Illustration by Charlie Powell.

Illustration by Charlie Powell

Shortly before David Plotz launched Working, his new podcast series, he sat down with two people who have worked for him. Maxwell Tani is the current Political Gabfest intern and the producer of Working, and Jeff Friedrich is a Slate Plus editor and former Gabfest intern.

After David tells Max and Jeff that they’re “asking a lot of questions about what’s not in the project,” he explains how the project is not like Studs Terkel’s Working, and why that’s OK.

To learn more about the series, go here. For more info on how to subscribe to the Slate Plus podcast feed, go here.