Mad Men best lines: Slate’s TV Club writers pick their favorite zingers of the week.

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now.

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now.

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May 5 2015 4:39 PM

Mad Men Zinger of the Week: “Lost Horizon”

Slate’s TV Club writers pick their favorite Mad Men lines of the episode.

Jon Hamm as Don Draper and January Jones as Betty Francis, Mad M,Jon Hamm as Don Draper and January Jones as Betty Francis, Mad Men, Season 7B, Episode 12.
Jon Hamm as Don Draper and January Jones as Betty Francis, in Mad Men.

Photo by Justina Mintz/AMC

In any given episode of Mad Men, the only thing more likely to come out of a character’s mouth than the trailing smoke of a Lucky Strike cigarette is a witty one-liner.

As we enter the final days of Sterling Cooper & Partners, Slate’s TV Club will celebrate the show’s retorts and rejoinders by highlighting a Mad Men Zinger of the Week for Slate Plus.

Agree with Julia? Disagree with John? Vote below, and if we missed your favorite, let us know in the comments.

Last week’s most popular Mad Men Zinger of the Week was John’s pick, which was Stan’s line, “How the hell did that turn into that?” Hanna is still currently in the lead. John and Julia are currently tied.

Julia’s pick for Episode 5


Shirley: “That in mind, I have to say thank you. You’re very amusing.”

Julia’s reaction: What a great thing to say to your boss while quitting, and what a great thing to say to Roger as we’re all quitting this show. For all his pathos and many qualities, that is the word that sums him up.

Hanna’s pick for Episode 5


Peggy Olsen: “You clearly don’t need help. You need an audience.”

Hanna’s reaction: Peggy and Roger haven’t spent a lot of time in each other’s company. In this encounter, they have a few awkward exchanges before they find their footing. Peggy, always wary, finally figures out in this moment that Roger doesn’t actually need anything from her. He just wants company. And after that, the scene melts into a beautiful duet, Peggy roller skating while Roger plays the organ.

John’s pick for Episode 5


Jim Hobart: “Frankly, you’re lucky he’s taken an interest in your business.”

John’s reaction: A seemingly innocuous line that takes on a loaded double meaning in context, even if Hobart perhaps doesn’t realize the extent of his henchman’s untoward behavior. The Mad Men writers are so good at this kind of thing that it’s easy to forget sometimes how spring-loaded so much of the dialog in this show is.

Vote here for your favorite one-liner from this week:

Here’s how Slate Plus members are voting so far: