Mad Men best lines: Slate’s TV Club writers pick their favorite zingers of the week.

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now.

What Was the Best Mad Men Zinger This Week? Vote Now.

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April 30 2015 8:17 PM

Mad Men Zinger of the Week: “Time & Life”

Slate’s TV Club writers pick their favorite Mad Men lines of the episode.

John Slattery as Roger Sterling, Jon Hamm as Don Draper, Kevin Rahm as Ted Chaough, and Vincent Kartheiser as Pete Campbell in Mad Men.
John Slattery as Roger Sterling, Jon Hamm as Don Draper, Kevin Rahm as Ted Chaough, and Vincent Kartheiser as Pete Campbell in Mad Men.

Courtesy of AMC

In any given episode of Mad Men, the only thing more likely to come out of a character’s mouth than the trailing smoke of a Lucky Strike cigarette is a witty one-liner.

As we enter the final days of Sterling Cooper & Partners, Slate’s TV Club will celebrate the show’s retorts and rejoinders by highlighting a Mad Men Zinger of the Week for Slate Plus.

Agree with John? Disagree with Hanna? Vote below, and if we missed your favorite, let us know in the comments.

Last week’s most popular Mad Men Zinger of the Week was Hanna’s pick, which was Sally’s line, “Well, I’m sorry mother, but this conversation is a little late. And so am I.” Hanna is currently in the lead.

Julia’s pick for Episode 4


Lou: “Well, sayonara my friend, enjoy the rest of your miserable life.”

Julia’s reaction: What a delightfully hateable sourpuss. Sayonara to you, Lou!

Hanna’s pick for Episode 4


Pete: “She wouldn’t feel extra at all.”

Hanna’s reaction: What a weak way to defend your child! What a perfect evocation of the distant fathers of that generation!

John’s pick for Episode 4


Stan: “How the hell did that turn into that?” 

John’s reaction: A funny quip in the wake of the stapler shouting match. But it's also a line you might find scrawled on a Post-it note and slapped on the wall of the Mad Men writers’ room. Matthew Weiner clearly relishes surprising his viewers, and every season of the series has had at least one moment that has left us fans gobsmacked—shaking our heads and saying “how did that turn into that?”

Vote here for your favorite one-liner from this week:

Here’s how Slate Plus members are voting so far: