Mark Hamill returns as the Joker to read more Trump tweets.

Gotham City in Chaos as Mark Hamill Records More Trump Tweets in His Joker Voice

Gotham City in Chaos as Mark Hamill Records More Trump Tweets in His Joker Voice

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Slate's Culture Blog
July 1 2017 3:10 PM

Gotham City in Chaos as Mark Hamill Records More Trump Tweets in His Joker Voice

U.S. President Donald J. Trump speaks to supporters at a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Warner Bros. Animation/IMDb

Holy viral content, Batman! Mark Hamill, the voice of the dastardly Joker in animated shows, movies, and video games, has once again recorded our pustulent pestilence of a president’s latest tweets in the cartoon supervillain voice their maddeningly misogynistic message merits! The treasonous thespian tweeted tidings of his topical tape recording on Thursday:

But stay calm, citizens! Slate has obtained authentic audio of the audacious actor’s appearance as Gotham City’s arrogant antihero. Listen carefully to Hamill’s interpretation for clues to the fiendish plans of our horrible head of state. But watch those volume levels before pressing play, chum—sociocusis sometimes strikes scofflaws who scorn sonic safety!


What sinister game is the secretive Star Wars star sporting at? Can Batman prevent Gotham City from becoming a global laughingstock? Can a country where citizens chose the Crown Prince of Crime as commander in chief ever be trusted with power again? Keep your bat-fingers crossed until tomorrow—same bat-time, same bat-channel!