Superchunk covers Ryan Adams' Come Pick Me Up, turns it into pop-punk ditty (AUDIO).

Superchunk Turns Ryan Adams’ Best Song Into a Bouncy Pop-Punk Ditty

Superchunk Turns Ryan Adams’ Best Song Into a Bouncy Pop-Punk Ditty

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Slate's Culture Blog
Nov. 5 2014 4:32 PM

Superchunk Turns Ryan Adams’ Best Song Into a Bouncy Pop-Punk Ditty

Mac McCaughan of Superchunk performs at Coachella back in 2009.

Photo by Karl Walter/Getty Images

While No One Was Looking is a forthcoming two-disc tribute to the first 20 years of Bloodshot Records. It includes the track below, Superchunk’s cover of what is still Ryan Adams’ best song: “Come Pick Me Up,” from his album Heartbreaker, put out by Bloodshot back in 2000.

Per Pitchfork, Superchunk frontman Mac McCaughan said, “It’s a song I’ve always wanted to cover AND Ryan claims the title came from our album of the same name, so it seemed fitting. Though he may have just been saying that to be nice.”


David Haglund is the literary editor of