Don't Roof Rack Me Bro (Seamus Unleashed): Devo's new song about Romney's dog. (AUDIO)

Listen to a Devo Song About Romney’s Dog

Listen to a Devo Song About Romney’s Dog

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Slate's Culture Blog
Aug. 15 2012 5:20 PM

Hear a Devo Song About Romney’s Dog


The Obama campaign seems to have decided that the story of Seamus—the Romney family dog once famously strapped to the roof of a station wagon—is worth keeping in the news. And Devo, the legendary New Wave band, clearly agrees: Their new song, "Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Seamus Unleashed)," is devoted to the late canine, and what his story suggests about the GOP presidential candidate, of whom Devo is clearly not a fan.

You can listen to the song below—though if you need an introduction to Devo, we suggest you start with these 10 other songs instead.


David Haglund is the literary editor of