Discover the Curious Secrets of A Longer Life - presented by Prudential and SlateCustom

Discover the Curious Secrets of A Longer Life

Discover the Curious Secrets of A Longer Life


Discover the Curious Secrets of A Longer Life

There are a lot of ways to live longer.  Including a few you might not have expected. 

The secrets to a longer life
This content is made possible by Prudential; it is not written by and does not necessarily reflect the views of Slate’s editorial staff.

Studies on longevity point to such choices as eating a Mediterranean diet, working near indoor plants, occasionally indulging in dark chocolate and having a pet increase our chances of living longer. What else? See more in our short film .

It can be hard to imagine ourselves in the future. But the more we think about it, the better we’ll be able to prepare. See how longevity changes everything about how we prepare for the future. Learn More