Slate’s mistakes for the week of July 24.

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of July 24

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of July 24

Slate's mistakes.
July 28 2017 4:01 AM


Slate’s mistakes.

In a July 30 Brow Beat, Matthew Dessem misidentified Gerard Manley Hopkins as Gerald Manley Hopkins.

In a June 26 Brow Beat, Matthew Dessem misspelled Michele Bachmann’s first and last names.


In a July 26 Brow Beat, Rebecca Schuman misspelled Socrates.

In a July 26 Future Tense, Evan Urquhart misidentified a draft paper on working and video games habits among young men as a published study.

In a July 26 Politics, Jim Newell misstated that the Senate voted down the Better Care Reconciliation Act on Wednesday. It was on Tuesday.

In a July 25 Brow Beat, Austin Elias-de Jesus misstated the title of the Netflix show F Is for Family.


In a July 25 Interrogation, Isaac Chotiner misstated the name of Archibald Cox’s special assistant. It was James Doyle, not James Neal.

In a July 24 Future Tense, Cyrus Nemati misstated the storage ratio between a 286 PC and an iPhone. The iPhone has 3,200 times the capacity of the 286 PC, not 32 million.

Due to an editing error, a July 22 Sports Nut misstated the year Kyrie Irving hit the shot to win the NBA Finals. It was 2016, not 2015.

In a July 20 Slatest, Ben Mathis-Lilley misidentified Rob Goldstone as Sam Goldstone.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you’ve seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.