Slate’s mistakes for the week of Feb. 15.

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Feb. 15

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Feb. 15

Slate's mistakes.
Feb. 19 2016 4:04 AM


Slate’s mistakes.

In a Feb. 19 Culturebox, Hunter Davies misquoted a song lyric from the Beatles’ “Eleanor Rigby.” The lyric is, “Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name.”

In a Feb. 19 Slatest, Juliana Jiménez Jaramillo misstated that an unofficial, Spanish-language Bernie Sanders ad appeared on the candidate’s official website. The Sanders campaign says this ad never appeared on its website and has never been used in any capacity by its campaign.


In a Feb. 18 Future Tense blog post, Justin Peters misquoted the founder of women-in-droning group Amelia Dronehart’s statement to MarketWatch. She said, “If your daughter likes Barbie and she likes the drone, then that may encourage her to pursue STEM. And the next drone she flies won’t necessarily be pink.”

In a Feb. 18 Lexicon Valley, Katy Waldman misspelled Ann Friedman’s first name.   

In a Feb. 18 Slatest, Ben Mathis-Lilley misstated that Republicans controlled the Senate in 2011 and 2013. They did not.

In a Feb. 17 Moneybox blog post, Jordan Weissmann miscredited a Money article to CNN.


In a Feb. 17 Schooled, Alexandria Neason misidentified the National Council on Teacher Quality as the National Center for Teacher Quality.

In a Feb. 16 Politics, William Saletan misspelled Charlton Heston’s first name

In a Feb. 15 Cover Story, Michelle Goldberg misstated that Melissa Cook’s surrogacy fee was $33,000, plus a $6,000 bonus in case of multiples. It was $27,000, plus a $6,000 bonus for multiples.

In a Feb. 15 Doonan, Simon Doonan misspelled Natalie Portman’s first name.


In a Feb. 15 Jurisprudence, Robert J. Smith misstated that the prosecution in Crawford v. Washington played a tape-recorded statement for the jury from the alleged victim of a stabbing. It was a statement from a witness in the case.

In a Feb. 15 Outward, Aaron Lecklider misstated that in the film Hail, Caesar! Thora Thacker was poised to publish an article on the gay relationship between Laurence Laurentz and and Burt Gurney. The article was about Laurentz and Baird Whitlock

In a Feb. 15 Slatest, Elliot Hannon misstated that the estimated value of an Australian drug seizure was approximately $900,000 in U.S. dollars; the value of the confiscated meth was about $900 million.

Due to an editing error, a Feb. 12 Brow Beat misspelled the surname of the Crawley family from Downton Abbey.

A Feb. 11 Future Tense blog post about an upcoming event on the Zika virus misidentified speaker Kevin Esvelt’s affiliation. He is the leader of the Sculpting Evolution Group and an assistant professor at the MIT Media Lab; he is no longer a technology development fellow at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard Medical School.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you’ve seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.