Slate’s mistakes for the week of Dec. 22.

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Dec. 22

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of Dec. 22

Slate's mistakes.
Dec. 26 2014 4:39 AM


Slate’s mistakes.

In a Dec. 28 Behold, Jordan G. Teicher mispelled Illum, a type of Lytro camera.

In a Dec. 24 Moneybox, Alison Griswold misstated in a chart that the 2014 figures represented Q3 2013 to Q3 2014. They represent Q4 2013 to Q3 2014.

In a Dec. 23 Bad Astronomy, Phil Plait misidentified Discover magazine as Discovery magazine. 


In a Dec. 23 Future Tense article, Carrie Miller misspelled the first name of winemaker Dianna Lee.

In a Dec. 22 Foreigners, Suki Kim misstated that 110 countries voted to refer North Korea to the International Criminal Court. It was 116 countries.

In a Dec. 22 Future Tense, Lily Hay Newman misstated that North Korea had commented that its Internet outage was due to upgrades on its network. The country actually has not commented on the reason for the outage. The tweet stating this and references to it have been removed.

In a Dec. 22 Lexicon Valley, Katy Waldman misidentified Dwight Edwards Marvin as Dwight Edwards Martin.


In a Dec. 22 Moneybox blog post, Jordan Weissmann misstated how many U.S. dollars 30 billion rubles equals. It’s $531 million, not $531 billion. 

In a Dec. 22 Moneybox blog post, Jordan Weissmann misspelled professor Michael Malcolm’s first name.

In a Dec. 22 XXFactor​, Miriam Krule misstated that the Church of England allows parishes reluctant to have female bishops to request a male bishop to supervise. The church allows those parishes to request a male bishop to replace her. 

In a Dec. 19 Atlas Obscura, Ella Morton misstated that Cyrus was divided into the Greek-controlled south and Turkish-controlled north. The Republic of Cyprus controls the south. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, recognized only by Turkey, effectively controls the north. 

In a Dec. 19 Brow Beat​, Chris Wade misspelled Shepard Fairey’s first name and Eleanor Holmes Norton’s first name.

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you’ve seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.