Who Was the All-Time Great Mob Boss?

Mob Experts on The Sopranos, Week 5

Who Was the All-Time Great Mob Boss?

Mob Experts on The Sopranos, Week 5

Who Was the All-Time Great Mob Boss?
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Talking television.
April 5 2004 12:44 PM

Mob Experts on The Sopranos, Week 5


Thanks for inviting me in, guys. I agree with you both that it was a great episode. My vote for Funniest Moment was when the Steve Buscemi character gave the doctor a forensic anatomy lesson as a "pre-certified massage therapist." And on a more serious note, the car crash was brilliant cinema, filled with portent. It reminded me of the scene in Road to Perdition where Paul Newman was gunned down. By the way, Jeff, Paul Newman was a great model of a mob boss, but my vote for all-time paradigm is Al Pacino in The Godfather. (Did you really think I'd name someone from real life?) Pacino had leadership skills, duplicity, character, and above all, strength and unwavering determination. He was solid and reliable. Tony Soprano is weak and every time he has to make a decision of consequence he first has to dance with his own demons. And finally, if a mob boss cried in the doctor's office or had an anxiety disorder, they never told me about it. And to Jerry Capeci, it's not Barney Ruggle, it's Barney Rubble.