Take That, Linda Blair

The Sopranos: Season 4 Analyzed; Week 2

Take That, Linda Blair

The Sopranos: Season 4 Analyzed; Week 2

Take That, Linda Blair
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Talking television.
Sept. 23 2002 7:23 AM

The Sopranos: Season 4 Analyzed; Week 2


Dear all,


You got this season's subtitle right, as everywhere the eyes are upon us, and it is through them that we judge, we feel judged by others, and in the mirror judge ourselves. The final scene of the first episode ended with the camera panning in on Jefferson's right eye from the $20 bill Christopher lifted from his father's alleged murderer. Last night, giant eyes decorated the walls of the nightclub in which Adriana and her "friend" Danielle met. Adriana's discovery of Danielle's true identity produces unquestionably the greatest projectile vomiting scene ever recorded on television or film, ending with Danielle stone-cold staring down Adriana and her vomit-speckled diamond bracelet.

Meanwhile, Tony's laser-piercing stare into Meadow's eyes after she calls him a "mob boss" is the greatest "who the fuck are you to judge me" stand-off of this daddy-daughter duo's life. In fact, everywhere you look, people are so far up into each others' faces they are practically engaging in mutual corneal transplants. Think of the way Paulie Walnuts stared through the bulletproof glass of the jailhouse visitation room as he blasted his nephew—the glass may have been bulletproof but not judgment proof.
