Stephen Colbert: the Slate magazine "minutes to read" feature is great. (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert Really Likes This New Slate Feature

Stephen Colbert Really Likes This New Slate Feature

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Nov. 20 2013 8:46 AM

Stephen Colbert Really Likes This New Slate Feature

Last night, one-time Slate Political Gabfest special guest Stephen Colbert praised a new feature on "news, opinion, and stone-roofing supply site" Granted, he was in character, so you may detect sarcasm in this segment.

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I prefer to think this was all sincere and that Colbert really did read about "a Malaysian businessman trading hookers for Navy secrets" seven times. But watch and decide for yourself. As that handy counter at the bottom of the video informs you, it will only take 3 1/2 minutes of your time.

David Haglund is the literary editor of