Every Movie Reference From the First Five Seasons of The Simpsons

Still from "Every Movie Reference fromThe Simpsons: Seasons 1-5"
The Simpsons is well-known for being one of the most referential television shows ever created, and compiling and documenting all its allusions and parodies of pop culture has become a bit of a sport among fans: There have been supercuts of all its faux video games, collections of all its allusions to fine art, video histories of its jabs at its home network, and visual histories of all its literary allusions.
While no one would be surprised to learn that it has long made plenty of movie references, too, this NextMovie supercut also showcases many allusions that are more subtle, and at times pretty esoteric: Amid send-ups of Hollywood classics are takes on some deep cuts, like Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? and Every Day's a Holiday. Even if you've noticed many of these before, it's fun to see which you may have missed the first (or second, or 100th) time around.
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