DSK Rape case collapsing: Did he do it?

Did DSK Do It?   

Did DSK Do It?   

The XX Factor
What Women Really Think
July 1 2011 12:06 PM

Did DSK Do It?   

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Rachael, thanks for this summary of the collapse of the Strauss-Kahn case due to the severe character problems of the alleged victim, and the issues it raises. Ah, real life – this reversal is more stunning than a dozen episodes of Law & Order.  (I suppose you could call how this is all turning out, Law & Ordure.) I have been fascinated by this case and completely bought the story that the maid was sexually assaulted by Strauss-Kahn. Since that accusation numerous stories of his pathological sexual pursuit of women have aired, including the account by a young reporter (and daughter of a political associate of Strauss-Kahn’s) that he attempted to rape her when she was interviewing him for a story. When he was first appointed to the IMF he had an affair – which really was a one night stand – with a subordinate, for which he was mildly rebuked. The woman involved said she had felt relentlessly pressured to have sex with the boss and concluded he shouldn’t be in a position of power over women.

Will we ever now know what happened? Could the wildest French conspiracy theories be correct? It stretches credulity to think that an enemy of Strauss-Kahn, knowing he’d have sex with anyone, offered a payment to the maid to go in, drop her apron, get some “forensic evidence” out of him, then run screaming into the hall. If an enemy is wily enough to set that up, you’d think he’d do enough due diligence not to hire a drug launderer.  Strauss-Kahn’s side said it simply was a consensual sexual encounter. But unless money changed hands (and if so, what does she gain by accusing him of rape?) that’s even more incredible than the conspiracy theory.  Occam’s razor would hold that Strauss-Kahn did sexually assault the maid, but that fortune smiled on him when he chose his victim.  Fortune does tend to favor the fortunate, doesn’t it?  Let’s say that’s what really happened; if so it would make somewhat ironic all the breast-beating about America giving equal treatment and protection to the poor and defenseless as the rich and powerful. If all the charges are dismissed and he walks, perhaps his treatment by the American justice system will make him a more appealing candidate for the French presidency. As for the maid, the New York Post reports she’s likely to be deported.


Emily Yoffe is a contributing editor at the Atlantic.