Tiger Speaks. What Does Elin Do?

Tiger Speaks. What Does Elin Do?

Tiger Speaks. What Does Elin Do?

The XX Factor
What Women Really Think
Feb. 18 2010 10:09 AM

Tiger Speaks. What Does Elin Do?


Tiger Woods will try to make amends Friday morning to his fans, speaking at PGA headquarters . Will Elin Nordegren stand up there next to him? It's the irresistible question. It's also becoming a tiresome one. The wronged celebrity wife has such a binary choice: Swallow all the crazy philandering (in Tiger's case, a sex addiction?) or walk away. Down both paths lie some degree of humiliation. Jenny Sanford made us cheer as the feminist choice her decision not to stand by, silently and supportively, while her husband, who is somehow still the governor, fell apart before all of our eyes. It was such a welcome contrast to Silda Spitzer, and before her, in another era of her life, Hillary Clinton.


But now Sanford's book has made me wonder about forcing any of these women to bear the symbolic weight of our feminist expectations. Sanford says she wrote her book for her kids, but as Hanna pointed out, no child needs to read about what a rotten husband his dad was. To me the book reads like revenge sugar-coated with Scripture. Which brings me back to Elin Nordegren and the choice she has tomorrow morning. Sure, I hope she stays home and lets Tiger flounder through this himself. But mostly I wish it was a choice she didn't have to make. Can't the jerk husbands find a way to crawl back into their supporters' good graces without forcing onto their wives this glaringly public choice, in one stark moment, through which the meaning of their marriages and their futures will forever be refracted?