Conservative media celebrated the new Miss USA today.

Today in Conservative Media: The Left Can’t Deal With the New Miss USA

Today in Conservative Media: The Left Can’t Deal With the New Miss USA

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May 15 2017 4:59 PM

Today in Conservative Media: The Left Can’t Deal With the New Miss USA

Kara McCullough

Ethan Miller/Getty Images


A daily roundup of the biggest stories in right-wing media.

Over the weekend, newly crowned Miss USA Kara McCullough warmed conservative media’s heart after she made a series of remarks that irked liberal pageant-watchers.


As the Blaze explains it, McCullough “ignited a firestorm of liberal outrage Sunday after she gave very non-progressive answers when asked about health care and feminism, specifically declaring health care a ‘privilege’ and ripping modern feminism.” As Sean Hannity’s website noted, McCullough “said she preferred to use the term ‘equalism’” over feminism. Her ideas about gender politics charmed Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, who erroneously wrote, “She said feminism is man-hating. Hah!

Many conservative sites rounded up frustrated tweets from the left. The Daily Caller, for example, focused on civil rights activist and one-time Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay Mckesson’s warning that his Twitter followers shouldn’t “take their political advice” from McCullough. The Caller also said liberal commenters had accused McCullough “of being uneducated because of her remarks,” an accusation it countered by pointing out that she is, in fact, “a nuclear scientist at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.” (None of the tweets the Daily Caller collected used the term “uneducated,” though one described her as “unenlightened” and another claimed “she’s not the brightest.”)

Several conservative outlets focused on McCullough’s race, suggesting that liberal anger at her comments proved that the left doesn’t respect diversity as much as it claims to. (McCullough is black.) LifeZette, for example, observed that “people on Twitter” had quickly shifted from jubilation at the “diverse group of women” in the final five to frustration. Calling this pivot ironic, the publication wrote, “The reactions to McCullough’s answers showed that the Left has a deep love for diversity, except when it comes to political opinions that don’t precisely match theirs.”

This is a minority woman in STEM, part of whose platform as Miss USA will literally be advocating for women in science. She is a woman who is fighting the fight social justice warriors claim to want to fight—and she does it with her natural hair!—but because she isn’t using the word “feminism” with the full-throated verve online feminists require, break out the shade pieces.

In a segment on Fox News, one commenter claimed that McCullough had come under fire for simple “honesty,” though he also noted that the questions asked to the pageant contestants seemed as if they’d been deliberately designed to stir up controversy.

Posts about McCullough also performed well on Facebook: