Conservative media mocked Rachel Maddow today.

Today in Conservative Media: Trump Paid Taxes

Today in Conservative Media: Trump Paid Taxes

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March 15 2017 4:38 PM

Today in Conservative Media: Trump Paid Taxes

Rachel Maddow.

Brett Carlsen/Getty Images


A daily roundup of the biggest stories in right-wing media.

On Tuesday evening, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow tweeted that she had “Trump tax returns” and would be discussing them on her show. Later that night, she presented Trump’s returns from 2005 on air, a revelation that proved far from revelatory.


Despite the anti-climactic report—or perhaps because of it—conservative media covered the news extensively on Tuesday night and Wednesday. Newt Gingrich, appearing on Fox News, proposed that releasing the return was a felony. Though that claim has been contested, he went on, “This city right now is filled with people who think they can break the law because they’re liberals.” In his own monologue, Sean Hannity also argued that though the documents were not scandalous, publicizing them was criminal. He then went on to claim, “NBC is not news. It is deep state Obama propaganda television.”

In “Trump’s Tax Plan Would Benefit Trump — So What?National Review’s David French challenged one leftist talking point that emerged in response to Maddow’s broadcast: that—as French put it—“Trump wants to abolish the … very tax that hit him so hard in 2005.” Saying that it’s reasonable to “want to pay less taxes,” French wrote, “There is nothing at all inherently wrong with wanting to keep the money that you make, or with believing that you can make better decisions spending your hard-earned dollars than the government can.”

Some conservative outlets reveled in the bipartisan reaction to Maddow’s show. Attempting to sum up the general climate, Fox News wrote, “The event was a disaster not seen on TV since the last ‘Star Wars’ rerun showing the Death Star blowing up Alderaan.” “Even leftwing actress Mia Farrow mocked Maddow,” Breitbart added in a an article rounding up responses. Drudge Report also got into the game, linking to Slate’s critical coverage of the broadcast:

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Drudge Report

LifeZette, meanwhile, published, “Liberals, Media Blame Trump for Maddow Tax Meltdown,” in which it mocked those on the left who were speculating that Trump had released the returns himself. “Is it possible that the Trump team leaked the tax return in an effort to embarrass the left-wing media? It’s possible but there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that is the case,” the publication wrote. The conspiracy site Infowars, on the other hand, republished an article from American Mirror floating that very theory. “Did the Trump-obsessed media get punked again?” it asked.


(In the interest of full disclosure: Your Today in Conservative Media correspondent also posed this conspiratorial possibility on Twitter.)

Several outlets suggested that the return reflected well on Trump. After comparing him to others with comparable incomes, Breitbart concluded, “In other words, the tax return shows that Trump was one of the top tax payers back in 2005.” Hannity’s site, similarly, claimed, “President Donald Trump paid more in taxes and at a higher rate than Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Mitt Romney.” And, in another article, Breitbart revisited Hillary Clinton’s claim that Trump had “paid nothing in federal taxes.”

This angle proved especially catchy on Facebook, where posts discussing Trump’s 2005 tax rate were widely shared: