Rand Paul takes bite of burger, hears questioner is a DREAMer, flees while still chewing (WATCH).

Rand Paul Takes Bite of Burger, Hears Questioner Is a DREAMer, Flees While Still Chewing

Rand Paul Takes Bite of Burger, Hears Questioner Is a DREAMer, Flees While Still Chewing

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Aug. 5 2014 11:35 AM

Rand Paul Takes Bite of Burger, Hears Questioner Is a DREAMer, Flees While Still Chewing


David Weigel already has given the perfect dissection of this viral video of immigration activists Erika Andiola and Cesar Vargas confronting Iowa Rep. Steve King over his staunch opposition to immigration reform. What’s especially funny here, though, is the moment that Andiola introduces herself as a "dreamer"—an undocumented immigrant who was brought here as a child—and Sen. Rand Paul can’t get out of his seat fast enough.

The departure sequence is captured in the above GIF, and it's a sight to behold. He actually leaves the table after having taken a bite of what appears to be a hamburger, seems to almost do a spit-take, getting up from his seat midchew, and leaving behind the half-eaten sandwich. Here’s the video of the entire exchange, including Andiola’s conversation with King.