All Out's illegal love quiz shows most homophobic countries on earth.

Think You Know the Most Homophobic Countries on Earth? Take This Quiz to Find Out.

Think You Know the Most Homophobic Countries on Earth? Take This Quiz to Find Out.

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Expanding the LGBTQ Conversation
Nov. 10 2015 1:33 PM

Where Is Queer Love Illegal?

A couple kiss in Trafalgar Square after the annual Pride in London Parade on June 27, 2015.

Photo by Rob Stothard/Getty Images

As advancements in LGBTQ equality continue in certain parts of the world, it's easy to forget that other places are still lacking or downright hostile with regard to the safety and happiness of queer people. (And of course, even those of us living in countries with certain rights like marriage should remember that we're not perfect. The recent HERO defeat in Houston is evidence enough of that.)

In order to help us freshen up on where things stand on the global scale, the folks at All Out, an international nonprofit LGBTQ advocacy group, have created this nifty quiz. Give it a shot, and see if you really understand where queer love remains illegal. 

J. Bryan Lowder is a Slate associate editor and the editor of Outward. He covers life, culture, and LGBTQ issues.