Trevor Noah on Trump’s new Gold Star family feud (VIDEO).

Trevor Noah Shows How Trump Turns Minor Incidents Into Full-Blown Scandals by Being a Petulant Toddler

Trevor Noah Shows How Trump Turns Minor Incidents Into Full-Blown Scandals by Being a Petulant Toddler

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Slate's Culture Blog
Oct. 20 2017 11:24 AM

Trevor Noah Shows How Trump Turns Minor Incidents Into Full-Blown Scandals by Being a Petulant Toddler


Still taken from the video

Donald Trump is currently taking heat for making insensitive remarks to the widow of a soldier killed in Niger during a phone call on Tuesday in which he apparently could not remember the name of her husband, Army Sgt. La David Johnson, and suggested that Johnson “knew what he signed up for” by joining the armed forces. Trump found an unlikely defender of his phone call in Trevor Noah, who spoke about the incident during what was essentially a stand-up routine during Thursday night’s episode of The Daily Show. Noah trotted out the dreaded phrase “in Trump’s defense” to point out that Trump isn’t the most articulate guy—“the worst at words,” even—and that we shouldn’t expect him to suddenly become one during a sensitive situation.

What Noah does blame Trump for is acting like a big ol’ baby about the whole thing after it became public, looking decidedly unpresidential with his arms crossed as he denied making the remarks and called Myeshia Johnson “the woman.” If Trump had just apologized like a grown-up, we might not even still be talking about this, something Noah tried to convey by acting like toddler-Trump’s parent.

“Donald, no, we’re not gonna talk about your tax cuts until you apologize,” he said. “You know what, Donald, we didn’t want you either, OK? You were an accident. There was a hole in the electoral system.”

Noah then launched into a riff about what it must be like to be a White House aide, considering that every press conference Trump gives goes so far off the rails. For example, a staffer who decided to answer nature’s call during the press conference where Trump and Mitch McConnell were supposed to be showing solidarity might be a little surprised at what they found when they returned from the bathroom. “You come back like 10 minutes later and it’s just like, ‘Yo, quickly! We need a list of Gold Star families! We’re in a fight with a black lady in a cowboy hat, and we need to borrow $25,000.’ ”

Marissa Martinelli is a Slate editorial assistant.