Donald Trump v. Miss America with The Daily Show's Michelle Wolf (VIDEO).

The Daily Show Compared Donald Trump to Miss America Contestants. Guess Who Seems More Presidential?

The Daily Show Compared Donald Trump to Miss America Contestants. Guess Who Seems More Presidential?

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Slate's Culture Blog
Sept. 13 2017 12:00 PM

The Daily Show Compared Donald Trump to Miss America Contestants. Guess Who Seems More Presidential?


Still taken from the video

Miss Texas made headlines at the Miss America pageant on Sunday by criticizing Donald Trump’s reaction to Charlottesville in which he condemned violence “on many sides.” Margana Wood, when asked directly about Trump’s response to the protests, had this to say during her 20-second time allowance: “I think that the white supremacist issue—it was very obvious that it was a terrorist attack, and I think that President Donald Trump should’ve made a statement earlier addressing the fact and in making sure all Americans feel safe in this country. That is the number one issue right now.”

As The Daily Show’s Michelle Wolf pointed out, that’s a more presidential statement than we got from Trump himself. She took the comparison further by contrasting footage of Trump’s statements on other issues, such as the environment and Russia, with the far more articulate and informed answers by this year’s beauty pageant contestants on the same topics. The conclusion she drew? “This is how little faith America has in its women. They have to be prettier, more talented, and smarter than the president just to get the job of waving for a year.”


Maybe Wolf is right: We probably should implement some kind of yodeling ventriloquism requirement for the presidency. “35 and born here” certainly isn’t working for us.

Marissa Martinelli is a Slate editorial assistant.