Watch what happened on The Daily Show when a Trump victory became possible.

Watch the Exact Moments When Daily Show Correspondents Realized Trump Was Winning

Watch the Exact Moments When Daily Show Correspondents Realized Trump Was Winning

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Nov. 9 2016 11:28 AM

Watch the Exact Moments When Daily Show Correspondents Realized Trump Was Winning


For anyone in the mood to relive the agonizing moment when the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency started getting a little too real, here are some painful clips from Tuesday night's Daily Show. During his live election special, as the tide began to turn, Daily Show host Trevor Noah captured the shifting spirit of election night, checking in with his campaign correspondents as they tried to report on an “alternative, horrifying scenario” that was slowly emerging.

“We will just have to wait a little longer than expected to find out if America prefers a competent sane woman or a misogynist troll doll,” senior Hillary correspondent Desi Lydic anxiously said. On the other side, meanwhile, Trump reporter Jordan Klepper was no less confounded. Even for a satire show, the expression of uncertainty was unsettling. Indeed, the message is clear: Nobody saw this coming.