Watch Trevor Noah skewer Donald Trump's disastrous attempts to bond with black children (VIDEO).

Trevor Noah Mocked Trump’s Disastrous Attempts to Bond With Black Children

Trevor Noah Mocked Trump’s Disastrous Attempts to Bond With Black Children

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Slate's Culture Blog
Oct. 19 2016 11:52 AM

Trevor Noah Mocked Trump’s Disastrous Attempts to Bond With Black Children


Donald Trump’s black outreach program hasn’t been going so great: Recent national polling has found the Republican presidential nominee receiving less than 10 percent of the black vote, and he’s begun targeting (without evidence) majority-nonwhite cities like Philadelphia and Baltimore as sites of widespread voter fraud. But Trump isn’t giving up hope on gaining their support just yet.

On Tuesday night’s Daily Show, Trevor Noah exposed Trump’s recent (and unfortunate) photo-op initiatives with black children, in all of their staggering awkwardness. Noah started with an image of Trump with Little Miss Flint, the latter’s uncomfortable face indicating that “she knows that danger is coming.” And as the segment’s focus shifted to Trump’s repeated, cringe-worthy attempts at kissing, it only got worse. Noah, equally amused and stunned by Trump’s persistence and the girls’ disgust, summed it up nicely: “Donald Trump is so repulsive to little girls, they dodge him like Floyd Mayweather.”