Batman v Superman deleted scene.

This Deleted Batman v Superman Scene With Lex Luthor Is As Infuriating As the Movie Itself

This Deleted Batman v Superman Scene With Lex Luthor Is As Infuriating As the Movie Itself

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Slate's Culture Blog
March 28 2016 2:26 PM

This Deleted Batman v Superman Scene With Lex Luthor Is As Infuriating As the Movie Itself


Despite its bloated running time, Batman v Superman ends in a hurried rush. In its closing moments, we see an imprisoned Lex Luthor, madly ranting about dangers to come—dangers that he’s seemingly unleashed—but we never find out how he got there or what he’s talking about. In this brief clip, we get a glimpse of the setup for that moment, seeing him in the Kryptonian ship he earlier used to create the monstrous Doomsday as he communicates silently with what appears to be a hologram of some demonic being. Before we learn anything more, a SWAT team enters the ship, and the creature disappears.

One of the key knocks against the film has been that it’s incoherent: Nothing really relates to anything else, and lots of things just happen to set up other films. While this sequence offers a little information that we wouldn’t have otherwise, it's ultimately just as much of a tease as virtually everything else in the movie. It shows us how Luthor was arrested, but it doesn’t tell us why. And it suggests how he knows that something from the “dark between the stars” has found them, but it tells us nothing especially interesting about what that something might be, or why we should care about it. It's a tantalizing clip, then, and worth watching if you’ve seen the film, but it ultimately does more to show why the film was frustrating than it does to allay those frustrations.