Office Space with the real Michael Bolton: Funny or Die got the singer to do all of David Herman's scenes from the movie (VIDEO).

Watch the Real, Actual Michael Bolton Do Office Space

Watch the Real, Actual Michael Bolton Do Office Space

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March 10 2015 8:26 PM

Watch the Real, Actual Michael Bolton Do Office Space


Funny or Die

Perhaps the best gag in Office Space, a film full of good gags, is the plight of Michael Bolton (David Herman), the gangsta-rapping IT worker saddled with the name of a superstar singer. But in the casting coup of the week, Funny or Die got the real Michael Bolton—that “no-talent ass-clown”—to play Herman’s role, and the result is predictably hilarious.

Bolton admirably makes the shift from pop star to peon, even sneaking in some wry editorializing—he’s now an “extremely talented” ass-clown. Enjoy.

Sharan Shetty is on the editorial staff of the New Yorker. You can follow him on Twitter