Louie daughter whining supercut: Louis C.K.'s TV daughter Jane complains a lot (VIDEO).

Louis C.K.'s Fictional Daughter Jane Likes to Whine. A Lot.

Louis C.K.'s Fictional Daughter Jane Likes to Whine. A Lot.

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Slate's Culture Blog
May 13 2014 3:38 PM

Louis C.K.'s Fictional Daughter Jane Likes to Whine. A Lot.

Some of Louis C.K.'s greatest comedic moments have come from his experience as a father of two daughters. In this funny supercut, Vulture highlights the idiosyncracies of one (fictional) daughter in particular: Jane, played by the winsome Ursula Parker, and her carefully crafted "spoiled-child whine."

It's a huge testament to the young actress's talents that she can be both incredibly grating and irresistably adorable at the same time:

Aisha Harris is a Slate culture writer and host of the Slate podcast Represent.