True Detective’s Rust Cohle's Pinterest page: PHOTOS.

Rust Cohle’s Pinterest Page Is a Paraphilic Lovemap

Rust Cohle’s Pinterest Page Is a Paraphilic Lovemap

Brow Beat
Slate's Culture Blog
March 6 2014 3:14 PM

Rust Cohle’s Pinterest Page


Screenshot via Pinterest

What does Rust Cohle do when he’s not contemplating the ontological fallacy that is the afterlife, or staring into his soul via a tiny mirror? He pins on Pinterest, the site for the iconographer in all of us. Rust, of course, does not mindlessly graze on muffin crafts and cat posters. This is ritual. Fantasy enactment. Fetishization. A paraphilic love map, if you will. It’s the gathering and visual presentation of material and symbolic obsessions. In other words, it’s what Pinterest has been about all along.

Feel free to browse, contemplate the futility of your own ephemeral material existence, and get inspired by these home décor, shopping, and craft ideas.

See all of Slate's True Detective coverage here.


Juliana Jiménez is a former Slate photo editor and now a contributor writing on Latin American politics and culture for the Slatest. She translates for Democracy Now! and writes in English and Spanish for publications in Latin America.