Seinfeld and Louis C.K. discuss Gettysburg Address: watch. (VIDEO)

Jerry Seinfeld Explains the Gettysburg Address to Louis C.K.

Jerry Seinfeld Explains the Gettysburg Address to Louis C.K.

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Slate's Culture Blog
Nov. 12 2013 6:11 PM

Seinfeld Explains the Gettysburg Address to Louis C.K.

Just yesterday I wrote about Learn the Address, a new website launched by Ken Burns and others encouraging all Americans to record themselves reciting the Gettysburg Address. I don’t plan to post a new video from the site every day, but I can’t resist sharing this one—especially since I previously gave Louis C.K. a bit of a hard time for his contribution, which seemed rather low-energy contrasted with Stephen Colbert’s over-the-top rendition.

As this behind-the-scenes footage demonstrates, C.K. was going for something more subtle—with help from his director, Jerry Seinfeld, who, at the top of the video, explains to C.K. that the Gettysburg Address “refocused the American ideal from the Constitution to the Declaration of Independence … That’s why the speech changed America.”


I love this project. As I noted yesterday, you can learn more at Learn the Address.