Edna Krabappel to retire as Marcia Wallace has died. She was married to Ned Flanders?

Wait, Edna Krabappel Is Married to Ned Flanders?!?

Wait, Edna Krabappel Is Married to Ned Flanders?!?

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Nov. 1 2013 3:39 PM

Wait, Edna Krabappel Is Married to Ned Flanders?!?

I had no idea.


As a fan of The Simpsons, I mourned the news that Marcia Wallace, the voice of long-suffering Springfield Elementary teacher Edna Krabappel, died this week at the age of 70. It would actually be more accurate to say that I used to be a fan of The Simpsons. Like many people, I watched the show religiously in the 1990s and early 2000s but haven’t seen a new episode in a very, very long time. I was shocked, then, to learn that at some point Edna Krabappel became Edna Krabappel-Flanders.

Splitsider has compiled a whole slew of these amazing-but-true latter-years Simpsons data points, including the fact that Principal Skinner left Mrs. Krabappel at the altar. But this Krabappel-Flanders situation has hit me particularly hard. I’ve put my left-handed zither and Gordie Howe head shot to the side for a moment and created the three-question quiz below. Were you, fellow Simpsons buff, as clueless as I was?

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