Queenie Eye video: Paul McCartney gets Johnny Depp, Kate Moss, Meryl Streep and others to dance. Watch. (VIDEO)

Paul McCartney Got a Bunch of Famous People to Dance Awkwardly in His New Video

Paul McCartney Got a Bunch of Famous People to Dance Awkwardly in His New Video

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Oct. 24 2013 3:40 PM

Paul McCartney Got a Bunch of Famous People to Dance Awkwardly in His New Video

Queenie Eye,” a catchy tune from New, is proof that solo McCartney is still worth your time. And the video, set in Abbey Road Studios, is proof, in case you needed any, that Paul McCartney has a lot of famous friends. Presumably they represent “the people” who “shout” in the song’s chorus. Though Johnny Depp, Kate Moss, Meryl Streep, Jude Law, and a typically broody Sean Penn (among many others) are not who come to mind when I hear the phrase “the people.” (The phrase “queenie eye,” by the way, comes from a game he played as a kid.)

In any case, enjoy.

David Haglund is the literary editor of NewYorker.com.