Public Square short film: Anti-Islamic pastor Terry Jones drowned out by the Beatles "All You Need Is Love." (VIDEO)

Watch Anti-Islamic Pastor Terry Jones Get Drowned out by the Beatles 

Watch Anti-Islamic Pastor Terry Jones Get Drowned out by the Beatles 

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Slate's Culture Blog
Dec. 17 2012 2:41 PM

Watch Anti-Islamic Pastor Terry Jones Get Drowned out by the Beatles 

The Op-Docs series on the New York Times has published a number of great videos, including some by famous documentarians like Errol Morris—most notably, perhaps his six-and-a-half-minute stunner about a man with an umbrella who is visible in footage of the Kennedy assassination.

The footage above was filmed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady last year, a day before the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Terry Jones, who has made himself semi-famous for his hateful rants about Islam, was in New York to spread his odious version of the gospel. He was countered by the gospel of the Beatles, still powerful 50 years later.

David Haglund is the literary editor of