Best Video Games 2011: Vote in Our Poll

What's the Best Game of 2011? The Most Important? Is There a Difference?

What's the Best Game of 2011? The Most Important? Is There a Difference?

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Slate's Culture Blog
Dec. 19 2011 6:18 PM

What’s the Best Game of 2011?


Still from Portal 2 courtesy Valve Corporation.

Last week Slate’s Gaming Club considered the question “What’s the best video game of 2011?” Actually, the Gaming Club didn’t just debate the best game of 2011. They also discussed “the most important game of 2011,” “the most perfect game of 2011,” their “favorite game of 2011,” and, finally, “is there a difference?”

Most of the Gaming Club’s critics seemed to think so. Chris Suellentrop picked El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron as his favorite game of 2011, but L.A. Noire as the “most important game,” and Skyrim as the “best game.” Similarly, Michael Abbott picked Dark Souls as the game of 2011, but his “favorite game” was The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and the “most important game of 2011” was Angry Birds (even though, as he concedes, the game is two years old).

Now we’re bringing these questions to you. In the first poll below, vote for your favorite game of 2011. In the second poll, tell us your pick for the most important game of 2011. In the comments, tell us, is there a difference?

Polls close Friday at noon.

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