Ringtones quiz: Match the ringtones to the brands.

Play Slate’s Nostalgic Ringtones Quiz

Play Slate’s Nostalgic Ringtones Quiz

A partnership of Slate and the New America Foundation.
July 10 2013 2:04 PM

Play the Slate Ringtones Quiz

Match the ringtone to the brand.

Match the Ringtone

Match each ringtone to its brand.

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Match the Ringtone

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Click the play button to hear the ringtone. Then, match it to a brand by clicking a phone below.



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Ringtones used to be as diverse as they were annoying. In the heyday of ringtones in the early ‘00s, America was a cacophony of businesslike beeps, digital jams, and cringe-worthy MIDI symphonies. A few tunes stood out as particularly pervasive and/or especially irritating. Those iconic jingles conjure nostalgic memories of black-and-white screens and numeric keypads. In the quiz below, can you match each ringtone to the brand that both cursed and blessed the world with it?

Chris Kirk is a web developer at New York magazine and Slate’s former interactives editor. Follow him on Twitter.