Slate Money on the Citigroup settlement, Big Tobacco and the Joint Strike Fighter.

Slate Money on the Many Merchants of Death

Slate Money on the Many Merchants of Death

Slate’s weekly business and finance podcast.
July 19 2014 11:58 AM

The Many Merchants of Death Edition

Slate Money on a big bank’s big settlement, a big merger in “Big Tobacco,” and the continuing saga of the world’s most expensive fighter plane.

There's a big merger on the horizon for Big Tobacco.

Photo by Denis Charlet/AFP/Getty Images

Listen to Episode 11 of Slate Money:

On this week’s special, transatlantic episode of Slate Money, Felix Salmon of Fusion, Cathy O’Neil of Columbia University, and special guest John Gapper of the Financial Times discuss Citigroup’s multibillion-dollar mortgage settlement, the potential merger of two of the largest American tobacco companies (Reynolds American and Lorillard), and the continuing saga of the Joint Strike Fighter, the world’s most expensive fighter plane.


Slate Money will appear every Saturday in the Slate Daily Podcast and its own feed (links above).