They Might Be Giants Bring Dial-A-Song Back to The Gist

They Might Be Giants Team Up With the Gist

They Might Be Giants Team Up With the Gist

A daily news and culture podcast with Mike Pesca.
Dec. 31 2014 6:18 PM


Mike Pesca was a devoted fan of They Might Be Giants’ infamous answering-machine project in the ’80s. With the band rebooting Dial-a-Song for 2015, Mike will premiere a new song every Monday on the Gist.

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You don't need to call (844) 387-6962 for TMBG's Dial-a-Song revival, because you subscribe to The Gist.

Photo Illustration by Slate. Photo Courtesy TMBG.

Listen to Episode 166 of Slate’s The Gist:


As a Long Island teenager in the 1980s, Mike Pesca called an answering machine every week to hear a new They Might Be Giants song. Every Monday in 2015, he’ll premiere a new TMBG song before it gets released on the band’s revived Dial-a-Song line. Members John Flansburgh and John Linnell talk with Mike about the project, their career, and their plans for the new year. For the Spiel, it’s time to name the Gentleman of the Year.

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Mike Pesca is the host of the Slate daily podcast The Gist. He also contributes reports and commentary to NPR.