The Gist: Maziar Bahari on Rosewater and Iranian jail, and Obama in Myanmar, aka Burma.

Maziar Bahari Explains How to Win the Psychological Battle Inside Solitary Confinement at an Iranian Prison

Maziar Bahari Explains How to Win the Psychological Battle Inside Solitary Confinement at an Iranian Prison

A daily news and culture podcast with Mike Pesca.
Nov. 13 2014 7:47 PM

The Sweet Smell of Survival

Inside an Iranian prison, Maziar Bahari knew he would live to tell of his 118-day ordeal. He didn’t realize Jon Stewart would help him do it.

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Maziar Bahari, the subject of the new film Rosewater.

Photo Illustration by Slate. Photo by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office Report in London.

Listen to Episode 136 of Slate’s The Gist:


Today on The Gist, RAND Corp. political scientist Jonah Blank puts Obama’s visit to Myanmar in context. Then, the harrowing prison story that inspired Jon Stewart’s directorial debut, Rosewater. The film is based on the memoir Then They Came for Me by our guest journalist Maziar Bahari. For the Spiel, the Gruber gaffe.

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Mike Pesca is the host of the Slate daily podcast The Gist. He also contributes reports and commentary to NPR.