Democratic presidential debate: Who won? Vote in our poll.

Who Won the Democratic Debate? Vote in Our Totally Unscientific Online Poll.

Who Won the Democratic Debate? Vote in Our Totally Unscientific Online Poll.

Who's winning, who's losing, and why.
Feb. 11 2016 10:54 PM

Who Won the Democratic Debate?

Vote in our totally unscientific online poll.

Hillary Bernie.
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

Now that the sixth Democratic presidential debate is over, pundits and politicos will be gabbing about what it all means for each candidate’s campaign. Who triumphed? Who floundered? Who will ride the debate to electoral glory, and who is fated to fizzle? But TV talking heads won’t decide this election. The American people will. And all of them read Slate. So we’re turning to you, Slate readers, in our completely unscientific and unserious attempt to determine: Who won?

Chris Kirk is a web developer at New York magazine and Slate’s former interactives editor. Follow him on Twitter.