Romney 2012 campaign stops: A map of the candidate’s travels in red states, blue states, and campaign battlegrounds.

A Map of Mitt Romney’s Travels During the 2012 Campaign

A Map of Mitt Romney’s Travels During the 2012 Campaign

A partnership of Slate and the New America Foundation.
Aug. 17 2012 3:21 PM

Where’s Mitt?

A map of the candidate’s travels in red states, blue states, and campaign battlegrounds.


Mitt Romney's campaign events

A campaign event

Red states lean toward Romney.

Blue states lean toward Obama.

Gray states are toss-ups.

Classification based on RCP electoral map

Event data scraped from Mitt Romney Central Google Calendar feed


The election season is, for a presidential candidate, an exhausting blur of rallies, town halls, dinners, and bus tours. It’s about showing your face where it needs to be seen, whether to energize supporters, connect with independents, or flatter big donors. The map above, aggregated from Mitt Romney’s public campaign calendar, shows where the Massachusetts governor has been focusing his attention since Rick Santorum suspended his campaign in April and Romney became the presumptive Republican nominee.

The GOP candidate has, unsurprisingly, held most of his major events in battleground states, from hosting an ice cream social in New Hampshire to rallying at a hamburger shop in Ohio. He has also traveled to uncontested territory to solicit donations and appeal to national organizations, venturing to Wyoming for a fundraiser at Dick Cheney’s house; to Houston for the NAACP National Convention; and to England, Poland, and Israel to demonstrate his diplomatic skills. Despite the name of his “Every Town Counts” bus tour, there are some towns that don’t appear to count as much for Romney, especially in the Northwest.

In the map above, states that lean toward Romney according to the latest polls are shaded red and states that lean toward Obama are blue. Battleground states, where polls show neither candidate pulling ahead, are gray.

Chris Kirk is a web developer at New York magazine and Slate’s former interactives editor. Follow him on Twitter.