Slate's mistakes for the week of June 24.

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of June 24

Slate’s Mistakes for the Week of June 24

Slate's mistakes.
June 28 2013 4:45 AM


Slate’s mistakes.

Red pen,Red Pen

Photo by Gabriela Insuratelu

In a June 28 "Brow Beat" blog post, June Thomas switched the postures of Bert and Ernie in a New Yorker cover. Bert is draping his arm around Ernie and Ernie is resting his head on Bert's shoulder.

In a June 28 "Moneybox" blog post, Matthew Yglesias said Serbia's pre–World War I territorial ambitions included Slovakia. They extended to present-day Slovenia but not nearly so far north as Slovakia.

In a June 27 "Crime" blog post, Justin Peters stated that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is 20 years old. He is 19.

In a June 27 "Future Tense" blog post, Jason Bittel left the "s" off of Geriatrics in the American Geriatrics Society.


In a June 27 "Future Tense" blog post, Jason Bittel originally omitted the word "Democratic" from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

In a June 27 "Moneybox" blog post, Matthew Yglesias misspelled Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln's last name.

In a June 26, "Frame Game," William Saletan misidentified the litigants who sought to reinstate California’s ban on gay marriage. They were petitioners, not the plaintiffs.

In a June 26 “Jurisprudence,” Jessica Winter defined the Scalia-ism "lynch mob" as an epithet used by opponents of marriage equality. Scalia employs it as an epithet used by proponents of marriage equality.


In a June 26 "Moneybox" blog post, Matthew Yglesias described the Federal Reserve's dual mandate as including "maximum unemployment." The Fed is supposed to maximize employment and minimize unemployment.

In a June 26 “Technology,” Will Oremus misspelled the surname of LinkedIn product lead Brad Mauney.

In a June 26 “Weigel” blog post, Emma Roller wrote that Glenn Greenwald has citizenship in Brazil. He is living in Brazil on a permanent visa.

In the June 25 “Interrogation” of Pedro Almodóvar, June Thomas asserted that the director’s brother, Agustín, didn’t make a cameo appearance in the 1995 film The Flower of My Secret. In fact, he is seen in the press room of El País newspaper.


In a June 25 “Weigel” blog post, David Weigel misspelled John Dickerson’s last name.

Because of an editing error, a June 24 "Jurisprudence" specified low-income students in the first chart in the article. In fact, the students represented in the chart are socioeconomically disadvantaged in a variety of ways.

In a June 24 "Crime" blog post, Justin Peters stated that Edwin Ernesto Rivera Gracias has a round, unmemorable baby face. Jose Manuel Garcia Guevara is the baby-faced fugitive in question.

In a June 24 Mad Men TV Club,” Hanna Rosin misstated that Sally got kicked out of school. She was suspended. 

Slate strives to correct all errors of fact. If you've seen an error in our pages, let us know at General comments should be posted in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.