The TV character political spectrum: Are your favorite characters Democratic or Republican?

Are Your Favorite TV Characters Democrat or Republican? We Have the Answers.

Are Your Favorite TV Characters Democrat or Republican? We Have the Answers.

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Oct. 15 2012 3:30 AM

The TV Land Electorate

Are your favorite TV characters Democrats or Republicans?

It’s the middle of October, which means that our favorite characters from the small screen will soon be choosing their candidates, heading to the polls, and casting their votes.

Or maybe not: Many of the most popular TV characters tend to keep quiet about their politics, avoiding naming names and party affiliations, lest they alienate any of their viewers. Although Friday Night Lights author Buzz Bissinger recently endorsed Mitt Romney—the Romney campaign has even taken to using the show’s famous “clear eyes, full hearts” slogan—the Friday Night Lights series itself is firmly nonpartisan: While we may argue about which side of the aisle the characters belong on, it’s all speculation. Series creator Peter Berg even rejected the Romney move, telling the candidate in a letter, “Your politics and campaign are clearly not aligned with the themes we portrayed in our series.”

There are some exceptions, though, and they range across both the political spectrum and the TV dial. We’ve assembled some of our favorite faces from the small screen who have expressed actual political affiliations—and the results are fantastically bipartisan. The selection below is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather to reflect the sheer diversity of political affiliations on television. To the far right are Springfield Republican Party chairman Mr. Burns and Parks and Recreation’s Ron Swanson (who has characterized the government as “a greedy piglet that suckles on a taxpayer’s teat until they have sore, chapped nipples”), while to the far left we have the flower-child Keatons of Family Ties and former Dennis Kucinich supporter Brian Griffin. Most fall somewhere near the middle: Homer Simpson is voting for Mitt Romney in 2012, but only because he “invented Obamacare.”

To understand our reasoning behind each character’s placement, simply mouse over the faces above. And if you have a favorite partisan protagonist who isn’t represented, let us know where you think he or she would fit in the comments.

Holly Allen is a Slate web designer.

David Haglund is the literary editor of 

Chris Kirk is a web developer at New York magazine and Slate’s former interactives editor. Follow him on Twitter.

Forrest Wickman is Slate’s culture editor.