This Is What Bill O'Reilly Thinks of Single Women
Bill O'Reilly has been very concerned about the problem of degrading women lately. So concerned, in fact, that he worried out loud that Sandra Fluke had degraded women with her immodest suggestion that insurance benefits cover contraception. With Bill O'Reilly as a fierce protector of ladies, you can imagine that his show's segment on single female voters last night was a chaste, respectful affair that represented the wide diversity of this important portion of the electorate: the never-married, the divorced, the widowed, the single mothers and the non-mothers, the cohabitating but unmarried, the young and the old, and, of course, women from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Just kidding! O'Reilly sent his producer Jesse Watters out on Halloween weekend to interview sexy young white women on the street, all of them in costume and ready to party, so that Watters could leer at their single lady voter breasts and condescendingly make "can you believe they have a right to vote?!" faces at the camera in response to the women's selectively edited answers to his questions.
My favorite part is when Watters asks one woman, an Obama supporter, if she's a "radical feminist" in the same tone adults use when asking kindergartners what they want to be when they grow up. After she points out that feminism is simply a matter of believing women have equal rights, the audience is reminded that we're supposed to find that answer ridiculous with a sarcastic quick cut to a man saying, "I sure do appreciate knowing that."
I'll give Watters credit for what was no doubt an incredibly hard job: finding so many sexily dressed women wandering around Manhattan who were willing to praise Romney on camera. He knows his creepy old man audience well, knows exactly how to keep them happy, and is apparently willing to work hard to get the necessary footage. Interviewing the countless single women staggering down the sidewalks to find a few who don't recoil at the name "Romney" can't be easy.
O'Reilly ends the segment by making the hi-larious joke that Watters never returned from the assignment. Because he's become a permanent resident of Pussy Town, amirite, creepy old man audience?! Oh, and he doesn't forget to note that the larger group these women are supposed to represent—the single female voter—favor good old Barack Obama by a wide margin. Clearly, they don't know any better.