Photos Of Boston, Locked Down

Photo by Kayana Szymczak/Getty Images
As law enforcement officials conduct a city-wide search for the Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, the entire city of Boston is effectively on lockdown. And residents are posting eerie photos of empty streets as nearly an entire city's population remains indoors, waiting for news. Here are a few:
Harvard Square, Massachusetts Avenue (via @thecrimson)…
& pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) April 19, 2013
View from my daughter's dorm window of the Boston Common. "Empty. Like a ghost town," she says.…
& Cloe Poisson (@cloepoisson) April 19, 2013
Photo: City on lockdown; an empty Kenmore Square in #Boston, Mass. (via Andrew Golden)…
& NBC News (@NBCNews) April 19, 2013
Have never seen Downtown Crossing this empty.…
& Erin Ailworth (@ailworth) April 19, 2013
Downtown Crossing 10:30 am…
& Steve Brown (@WBURSteve) April 19, 2013
***Follow the @slatest team on Twitter, and read more on Slate about the Boston Marathon bombing.***