Jon Stewart’s Daily Show correspondents revisit their craziest interviews on Guess Who’s Still Returning Our Calls (VIDEO).

Watch The Daily Show Correspondents Revisit the Craziest People They’ve Ever Interviewed

Watch The Daily Show Correspondents Revisit the Craziest People They’ve Ever Interviewed

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Slate's Culture Blog
Aug. 5 2015 12:44 AM

Watch The Daily Show Correspondents Revisit the Craziest People They’ve Ever Interviewed


For 16 years now, Jon Stewart’s Daily Show correspondents have traveled far and wide to plumb the depths of America’s stupidity. On Tuesday, their work was honored with “Guess Who’s Still Returning Our Calls?,” a segment in which senior correspondent Jessica Williams catches up with some of the most clueless, aggressively ignorant interviewees to grace the show.

Watching the clip, it’s clear why many, according to Stewart, question whether these people are actually real. Particularly funny is Williams’ visit with Harlem pastor James Manning, who graciously admits that his 2009 characterization of President Obama as “Hitler” was a tad rash: Obama is, with the benefit of hindsight, closer to “the son of Satan.”


Read more in Slate about Jon Stewart:

Sharan Shetty is on the editorial staff of the New Yorker. You can follow him on Twitter