Amy Schumer Skewers “Girl, You Don’t Need Makeup” Songs in This One Direction Parody

Still taken from the video.
The best sketch from tonight’s Inside Amy Schumer is a music video featuring an upbeat, familiar-looking boy band (we’ll call them “Single Trajectory”) that starts singing praises for Schumer’s natural beauty … Until they actually see her without makeup, at which point they change their tune and ask her to “just put it on.” The video is a succinct explanation of everything that’s wrong with the Bruno Martian school of soulful ditty in praise of a woman who doesn’t know how beautiful she is.
As the chipper male singers paint Schumer’s face with makeup, the video proves what many women have already been forced to learn—that many men’s idea of “natural beauty” takes a little while in the bathroom to slather on. Her withering gaze through clown makeup at the end tells us everything we need to know.