The Lemons Edition
Slate Money on why college is so expensive, the economics of the California drought, and letters from listeners.

Listen to Episode No. 48 of Slate Money:
On this week’s episode of Slate Money host Felix Salmon of Fusion, Cathy O’Neil of, and Slate Moneybox columnist Jordan Weissmann take on lemons of all stripes. Topics include:
- The horrifically rising costs of higher education
- What the drought and water pricing means for California fruit and vegetable farmers
This week’s episode was sponsored by DropBox for business. It’s the same easy Dropbox experience your employees already love. And also by Automatic, a connected car adapter that pairs your car to your smartphone and helps you diagnose engine problems, remember where you parked, and more. To get $20 off Automatic’s price of $99.95 visit
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Slate Money will appear every Saturday in the Slate Daily Podcast and its own feed.
Twitter: @felixsalmon, @JHWeissmann, @mathbabedotorg